Misc. Symbols

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There are many images and metaphors in the Bible. God uses them all the time in the Old Testament through prophecies and in the New Testament through parables. We use them a lot too.

Sea is a good example. It is often described as chaotic, meaning dangerous and standing for enemies, or raging nations etc. Hence Psalms, such as Psalm 124:1-5, that speak of waters engulfing people, torrents sweeping over them, and raging waters, all giving a picture of troubled times, anger and rage, war and battles.

There are many possible symbols God can use to speak to you through your dreams. This table is only a very small list of possibilities, and the meanings and references of symbols are only some of those found in the Bible.


Symbol Some Meanings Some References


Great quantity, immeasurable, abundance

Isa 48:19, Psa 78:27, Psa 139:18, Gen 41:49, Josh 11:4, Gen 22:17, Gen 32:12, 1 Sam 13:5, Jer 33:22, Heb 11:12

Great wisdom and discernment

1 Kings 4:29


Job 6:3, Prov 27:3

Hidden treasures

Deut 33:19


Jer 5:22


Matt 7:26


North wind – cold

Job 37:9

South wind – sweltering heat, quietness/stillness

Job 37:17

West wind – violent

Exo 10:19

East wind – fierce, destructive, scorching, expelling

Psa 48:7, Gen 41:23, Job 27:21, Isa 27:8, Exo 10:13, Eze 27:26, Job 15:2, Eze 17:10, Jon 4:8


Psa 104:4

Weight and pressure

Job 28:25

Stormy wind – fulfilling God’s orders

Psa 148:8, Exo 15:10, Psa 107:25

Stormy wind – from enemy

Luke 8:23, Mark 4:39


Jer 13:24, Isa 41:16, Jer 49:36


Jam 1:6


Job 7:7, Psa 78:39

Strong words

Job 8:2

Ignored words

Job 6:26

Futile words

Job 16:3


Eccl 4:6, Hos 12:1

Feeling tossed about

Job 30:22

Clears skies so sun shines

Job 37:21


Person’s life

Matt 7:24

God’s people

1 Peter 2:5

Wisdom or folly

Prov 9:1


place of fellowship / friendship

Matt 26:7,20, Matt 9:10, Luke 22:29-30, John 12:2

Place to receive understanding / instruction

Prov 9:1-6

Place of provision

Neh 5:17, Psa 23:5, Luke 16:21, Gen 43:34


to gain insight, to see or interact with externally/internally

Prov 7:6, Gen 8:6, Gen 26:8, Judg 5:28, Song 2:9

way of escape

1 Sam 19:12, 2 Cor 11:33, Josh 2:15

way of entry

Isa 60:8, Joel 2:9

heavenly provision

Gen 8:2, Mal 3:10



Rev 3:8,20, 1 Cor 16:9, 2 Cor 2:12

Security, protection, to shut out

Gen 19:10, Isa 26:20, Exo 12:7


Job 38:8-11

(heavenly) provision

Psa 78:23-24, Matt 7:7, Job 31:32

Place of access

Matt 25:10-11, Rev 3:20, Psa 24:7, John 10:2, John 18:17

Enables privacy & intimacy

Matt 6:6, 2 Kings 4:33


Job 3:10


Job 41:14, Psa 141:3, Micah 7:5


Prov 26:14

Very soon

Matt 24:33, James 5:9


John 10:7-9, Exo 12:7, Luke 13:24


Song 8:9


Place of privacy & intimacy

2 Kings 6:12, Eccl 10:20