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Below is a list of common animals that appear in dreams or visions. The meaning will be personal and may vary from person to person, dream to dream, or vision to vision. Note that it is important to ask Holy Spirit for the correct interpretation.

AnimalPossible Meaning
AntTeam worker, Industrious, Hard worker (Prov 6:6-8),
ButterflyTransformation / Change (2 Cor 5:17)
ChickenMothering (Matt 23:37)
DogFriendly, Foolish person (Prov 26:11), gang of evildoers (Ps 22:16, Phil 3:2)), useless watchman (Isa 56:10-11), troublemakers, meddlers (Prov 26:17).
DoveHoly Spirit (Matt 3:16), Peace, Easily deceived (Hos 7:11), lacking discernment (Hos 7:11), innocent (Matt 10:16)
BirdPerson (Ps 107:7, Prov 27:8, 3:52, Prov 7:23), evil spirit (Mark 4:4), curse (Prov 26:2), Unclean (Rev 18:2)
FishPerson (Matt 13:47, Hab 1:14-17)
MothFragile (Job 4:19)
SnakeWisdom (Matt 10:16), enemy (Job 26:13, Isa 27:1), lie (Gen 3:4), cunning (Gen 3:1, Matt 23:33), sharp/biting/stringing words (Ps 140:3, Prov 23:32), person (Gen 49:17)

Interesting that the Bible seems to have negative symbolism for dogs. Maybe because they were not normally kept as pets but were scavengers.