Dance is a great way to give God worship using full expression from your heart to His. I have also found it to be a powerful expression of heartfelt prayer for other people.
Worship dance or movement can be expressed in many different ways including:
Flags or banners, ribbons, material: there are various techniques which enable these to be effective, depending on the item and material used. Light material moves freely. Ribbons are great for twirling. One of my favourites are the long banners about 8 inches wide which do lovely large twirls.
Imagination: something I learned more recently is to imagine you are using a flag or ribbon, or anything and dance or move as though it is in your hands. A good example would be to imagine you have a spiritual sword in your hands. Maybe it is fiery or glistening or rainbow coloured. Ask Holy Spirit what does it look like and what does it do in the spiritual realm? Using your imagination gives you more freedom and scope, especially in places where others are nearby and you cannot use a physical item.
Just yourself: use movement to express yourself to God, so no physical or imagined item in your hand, just use yourself.
Worship songs: moving to these is probably the easiest way to start as you can move in accordance with the words of the song. For instance, ‘Hallelujah’ or ‘Praise the Lord’ could be waving your hands or flag over your head from side to side; ‘marching’ could be stepping on the spot; ‘cross’ could be arms outstretched.
Music without words: allow Holy Spirit to guide your movements. Focus on the Lord and any images or sense He gives you.
Prayer and intercession: you can move whilst praying, using an item or yourself to express that prayer to God. This can help you connect with God and what you are praying.
Scripture: you can also put movements to Bible verses to help express them and remember them.
Warm up and Cool down: do some warming up exercises before you start and some cooling down exercises at the end. You can use worship songs or music to make them more interesting.