Prophetic Life Ministries

The ministry of David and Mary Lee

Therefore go and make disciples of (teach) all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

Matthew 28:18-19

We are based in Bedfordshire, United Kingdom. This website was launched after several prophetic words for us to help those needing hope, encouragement and freedom. Also to help disciple and mature the body of Christ through the Word and Spirit. We ourselves still have so much to learn. We’ve been on various training courses including dream interpretation, prophecy and healing. We’ve seen legs grow, knees and backs healed, pain disappear.

We have provided access to many external resources and recommended books, as well as our own material, from intimacy to art to marriage to prophecy and the Word, to bring freedom in areas of creativity, relationship, health, and identity. Ultimately to experience or grow in intimacy and relationship with God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Core Beliefs

Love the Lord God 1st above all else. Love your neighbour as yourself. There is one eternal God, who is creator of everything. He exists as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Graciously ruling over everything. God is perfect, separate from sin, unconditionally loving and completely Holy. God is all knowing and present everywhere. Jesus Christ as both God and Man is the only way. He lived a sinless life, died on the cross in our place taking our sin and rose again in victory so that we can have relationship with God the Father. Jesus Christ is Lord of all, and He is victorious over the devil. Holy Spirit produces fruit in believer’s lives (conforming us increasingly to Christ’s image), and also gives supernatural gifts including healing and prophecy for use today. The Bible is God’s word. It is accurate, authoritative and applies to our everyday lives, revealing God’s love. God works through us today to heal and prophesy. The Lord’s Supper is to be shared regularly as a reminder of Jesus death.

We believe in Love being the highest thing to achieve above all else, God is love. Prophecy of any type should encourage, point to Jesus, and show God’s love above all. We believe in the works of the Holy Spirit hand in hand with the Living Word, one reinforcing the other. We believe it to be a must to fellowship with other believers and have those we can go to for spiritual strengthening and guidance.